21. May 2025
08:00 – 09:00
Deep level effects, failure modes and mechanisms of GaN HEMTs; current understanding and open questions
Enrico Zanoni
University of Padova I Italy
This tutorial will review recent results concerning deep levels in GaN HEMT, their physical origin, their effects on device operation, the experimental techniques adopted for their characterization. Scaling of GaN HEMTs for microwave and millimeter-wave applications will be discussed in relation with dispersion and short-channel effects. Models of recoverable and permanent degradation due to hot electron effects will be presented. Finally, consolidated results and open issues concerning thermally-activated failure modes and mechanisms of GaN HEMTs will be presented.

Enrico Zanoni is full professor of Microelectronics at the University of Padova since 1993. His main research interests are: (a) the study of the reliability physics of silicon and compound semiconductor devices; (b) experimental characterization and modeling of hot carrier phenomena in high-speed semiconductor devices; (c) characterization, modeling and reliability of power GaN HEMTs and LEDs, and their correlation with material properties and device technology. He has been elected IEEE Fellow (class of 2009) “for contributions to reliability of compound semiconductor devices”. He is co-author of more than 750 refereed journal or conference papers reported in the Scopus database.