Supporting Programme

7th European ELITE Users Group Meeting

Over the past decade, the adoption of Lock-In Thermography (LIT) within European laboratories has seen significant growth, a testament to your involvement and commitment. To enhance the collaborative exchange of insights regarding this invaluable Failure Analysis technique, Sector Technologies and ThermoFisher Scientific aim to organize a technical meeting for the ELITE users community.

Building on the success of the previous European ELITE Users Meetings (2015/2017/2018/2019/2022/2023), we are delighted to announce the seventh session, scheduled for the day before the 2024 Fraunhofer CAM workshop event in Halle.

7th European ELITE Users Group Meeting in Halle Monday, Monday June 3rd, 2024, starting at noon with a networking lunch.

Tentative Agenda: The ELITE Users Meeting will feature updates on ELITE products and applications, along with customer use case presentations, as has been the tradition. The final program will be shared with all participants by mid-May 2024.


  • Share experiences among participants.
  • Gather feedback from fellow users and the Sector Technologies/ThermoFisher Scientific ELITE Application Team on your challenges.
  • Identify specific topics for future focus within the realm of ELITE.

This meeting is also an excellent opportunity for you to receive the latest updates on ELITE, including OBIRCh on ELITE, TRTR, single point thermal mapping, Sierra software updates, new IR lenses, roadmap insights, and new applications.
Participation in this Users Meeting is open to all European ELITE customers and those interested in the Lock-in Thermography Failure Analysis method. The event is free of charge.

Registration: If you wish to join us for the 7th European ELITE Users Meeting, kindly email Antoine Reverdy. Please include the number of attendees, indicate whether you plan to give a short presentation (Yes or No), and specify any particular topics you would like addressed.